Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen

Hessian Fieldnames

Outline map of Hessen
The situation of Haarhausen in Hessen

Haarhausen Gem. Homberg (Ohm), Vogelsbergkreis

146 record(s) relating to 90 field name(s)

GROSSACKER [gruːzɛgər]
1572: [Acker] am großen acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 9'
1587: der groß Acker genandt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 163'
all records relating to Acker in the area under investigation
1587: Vff den Anspan
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Anspann in the area under investigation
1565/1566: [Wiese] in der au
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
1587: Vff der Auw
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Au in the area under investigation
1587: nach dem Auweg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Au-Weg in the area under investigation
BAEUNE [beunə]
all records relating to Beune in the area under investigation
BODENACKER [burəɛgər]
all records relating to Boden-Acker in the area under investigation
all records relating to Born-Weg-Acker in the area under investigation
DORNWIESEN [bɔrnvizə]
all records relating to Born-Wiese in the area under investigation
BREITACKER [brɛːrɛgər]
all records relating to Breit-Acker in the area under investigation
BUCHWALD [buxvɑːld]
1587: [Acker] bundig dem Buch Waldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 154
1587: [Acker] vorm Buchwaldtt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 160
all records relating to Buch-Wald in the area under investigation
1572: [Acker] am Bulert
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., S. 6'
1572: [Acker] Vorm Bulert
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., S. 5
1587: [Acker] am Bulertt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
1587: [Acker] vfm Bulert
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 162'
1587: [Acker] vorm Bulertt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 156'
all records relating to Bul-Hart in the area under investigation
1587: Hinauff nach dem Bulerts Acker Vndt Wald
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Bul-Hart-Acker in the area under investigation
1587: Hinauff nach dem Bulerts Acker Vndt Wald
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Bul-Hart-Wald in the area under investigation
DEICHACKER [deçɛgər]
all records relating to Deich-Acker in the area under investigation
DISTELACKER [desdəlɛgər]
1572: [Acker] diestell acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
1572: [Wiese] genant der diestell acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4'
1587: [Acker] der diestell acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 164
all records relating to Distel-Acker in the area under investigation
ECHTBETTEN [eçdbedə]
all records relating to Echt-Bette in the area under investigation
1572: Erffurtzheußer hart
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
all records relating to Erfurtshausen-Hart in the area under investigation
1587: Vndt Erfurtsheuser Weg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 147'
all records relating to Erfurtshausen-Weg in the area under investigation
FAULER SAND [faʊlə sɑ̃ːnd]
1587: gnt der faulsandtt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 170'
all records relating to Faul-Sand in the area under investigation
GARTENACKER [gordəɛgər]
all records relating to Garten-Acker in the area under investigation
1587: [Acker] Am Gneistacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 157'
1587: [Wiese] vfm Gneistacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 171
all records relating to Gneist-Acker in the area under investigation
GONNERAW [gonərɑv]
1587: [Acker] Vff der Gönner Auw
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
1587: [Acker] vff der Gonner Auw
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 156'
all records relating to Gönner-Au in the area under investigation
1587: [Acker] vff der Gossenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 160
all records relating to Gosse in the area under investigation
GOSSACKER [gozɛgər]
all records relating to Gosse-Acker in the area under investigation
GRUENACKER [greuɛgər]
all records relating to Grüne-Acker in the area under investigation
1572: [Acker] an der grunen Aw
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5
1572: [Acker] vff der gruner Aw
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
all records relating to Grüne-Au in the area under investigation
1448: vndewendig Harhusen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, B 8.
1565/1566: Harhaus:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
1572: Hoerhaußen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
1587: Hairhausenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 143
all records relating to Haarhausen in the area under investigation
HOELLE [hel]
1572: [Acker] an der hell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 6
1572: [Acker] vor der hell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4'
1572: Zwischen der hell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5
1587: [Acker] vor der hell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
1587: [Acker] vor der Hell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 163'
all records relating to Halde in the area under investigation
HOELLKOPF [helkob]
all records relating to Halde-Kopf in the area under investigation
HOELLROD [helrõ]
all records relating to Halde-Rod in the area under investigation
all records relating to Halde-Tanne in the area under investigation
1572: [Acker] Vor der Hart
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 8'
1587: [Acker] vor der hardt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 164
all records relating to Hart in the area under investigation
all records relating to Hart-Feld in the area under investigation
1587: Vorthan vff den Hessenn Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 147'
all records relating to Hase-Acker in the area under investigation
1587: [Wiese] beim Heilgenstock
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 176
all records relating to Heilige-Stock in the area under investigation
HIRSCHACKER [hirʃɛgər]
all records relating to Hirsch-Acker in the area under investigation
HOELZERNE KREUZ [helzern kreuds]
all records relating to Hölzerne-Kreuz in the area under investigation
HOFACKER [hovɛgər]
all records relating to Hof-Acker in the area under investigation
1565/1566: [Wiese] die hobmans wiß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
all records relating to Hofmann-Wiese in the area under investigation
HOHLACKER [hɔ̃nɛgər]
all records relating to Hohl-Acker in the area under investigation
HOLDERSTRAUCH [holərʃdrɔx]
all records relating to Holder-Strauch in the area under investigation
1448: [Wiese] In der homburg: auwe
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, B 8.
all records relating to Homberg-Au in the area under investigation
1587: Vf den honigsbaum
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Honig-Baum in the area under investigation
1572: [Wiese] genant das hubel driesch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5
all records relating to Hübel-Driesch in the area under investigation
HUEDE [hou]
all records relating to Hüde in the area under investigation
AUF DEM, VOR DEM KOEHLERSBERG [fiːrm kelərʃbɛrg]
1572: [Acker] vorm Kolersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
1572: [Acker] Zwischen ... vnd dem Kolersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
1572: [Wiese] am Kolersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
1572: [Wiese] Vnder dem Kolersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 6
1587: [Acker] am Koehlersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
1587: [Acker] vorm Koelersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 160
1587: Kohlersberg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 156'
1587: vff den Koelersbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
1587: [Wiese] Vnderm Koehlersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 169'
all records relating to Köhler-Berg in the area under investigation
KRAUTGARTEN [kraʊdgoɑrdə]
all records relating to Kraut-Garten in the area under investigation
KROHENHECKE [kroːhɛgə]
1572: [Wiese] in der Kroenheck:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
1572: [Wiese] in der Kroenheck:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 6
1587: [Wiese] in der Kroeheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 169
1587: [Wiese] in der Kroe heckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 170'
1587: [Wiese] in der Kroenheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 170
all records relating to Kroh-Hecke in the area under investigation
1587: das kroenhecker rodtt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 170'
all records relating to Kroh-Hecke-Rod in the area under investigation
1587: [Wiese] am kroenhecker walt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 173
all records relating to Kroh-Hecke-Wald in the area under investigation
1587: Zwischen ... vndt dem Kroenhecker wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 173
all records relating to Kroh-Hecke-Weg in the area under investigation
1587: vf den Curtsbaum
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 147'
all records relating to Kurt-Baum in the area under investigation
1587: vf Curt Geilberts Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Kurt-Geibels-Acker in the area under investigation
1565/1566: die kurz wiß gnant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
all records relating to Kurze-Wiese in the area under investigation
1587: vff die Leimkauttenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 147'
all records relating to Leimen-Kaute in the area under investigation
LEITE [laɪrə]
all records relating to Leite in the area under investigation
LOCHACKER [loxɛgər]
1587: genandt der Lochacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
all records relating to Loch-Acker in the area under investigation
MUENCHRAIN [minçreː]
all records relating to Mönch-Rain in the area under investigation
all records relating to Pfad-Acker in the area under investigation
PFERDGRABEN [pɛːrgraovə]
all records relating to Pferd-Grabe in the area under investigation
all records relating to Pfingst-Weide in the area under investigation
1587: Vndt der grossen Pfutschen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Pfütze in the area under investigation
1587: Vff Ihrenn Pfuell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 148
all records relating to Pfuhl in the area under investigation
1572: [Wiese] im Rauhen Sandt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5
all records relating to Raue-Sand in the area under investigation
1572: [Wald] das Kleinrodt holtz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
all records relating to Rod-Holz in the area under investigation
1587: genandt dz klein rödtgenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 170
all records relating to Rodchen in the area under investigation
IN DEN ROEDERN [in də riːrə]
all records relating to Röder in the area under investigation
ROSENWIESE [ruːzəvizə]
all records relating to Rose-Wiese in the area under investigation
ROTENBUSCH [ruːrəbuʃ]
all records relating to Rote-Busch in the area under investigation
1565/1566: [Acker] vffm roel gelegen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
all records relating to Rühl in the area under investigation
1587: [Acker] genandtt der Sandt Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 157
all records relating to Sand-Acker in the area under investigation
all records relating to Schall-Beune in the area under investigation
1587: [Wiese] das Scheibell wiesgen gntt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 152
all records relating to Scheibel-Wiese in the area under investigation
1572: [Wiese] an den Schwalbenackern
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 8
1572: [Wiese] an Schwalben acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
1587: [Acker] Vfm Schwalben Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155'
all records relating to Schwalbe-Acker in the area under investigation
1448: genat dy Spigil wyse
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, B 8.
all records relating to Spiegel-Wiese in the area under investigation
STEINACKER [ʃdiːɛgər]
1587: [Acker] der Oberste Stein Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 162'
all records relating to Stein-Acker in the area under investigation
STEINBUSCH [ʃdeːbuʃ]
1572: [Acker] vff dem Stein Pusch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 9'
1587: [Acker] genandtt der Steinpusch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155
1587: vff dem Steinpusch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 147'
all records relating to Stein-Busch in the area under investigation
1572: [Acker] in der Steinheck:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 5'
1572: [Acker] vf der steinheck:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 4
1572: [Acker] vf der Steinsheck:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 7
1587: [Acker] in der Steinheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 157
1587: [Acker] in der Steinheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 167
1587: [Acker] in der Steinhecken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 155'
1587: [Acker] vff der Steinheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 156'
1587: [Acker] vff der Steinheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 157'
all records relating to Stein-Hecke in the area under investigation
1587: [Acker] der Vnderste Steinhecken acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 158
all records relating to Stein-Hecke-Acker in the area under investigation
1565/1566: [Wiese] die stock wiß gnant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, E 13, Nr. 100/2., S. 69
all records relating to Stock-Wiese in the area under investigation
STRASSENWIESE [ʃdruːsvizə]
all records relating to Straße-Wiese in the area under investigation
all records relating to Strauch-Wiese in the area under investigation
1587: [Garten] ann der Streidtheckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 178
all records relating to Streit-Hecke in the area under investigation
1587: [Wiese] das Teich Lepchenn genandtt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 152
all records relating to Teich-Lappe in the area under investigation
1587: [Acker] an gemeltem deichwießgenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 152'
all records relating to Teich-Wiese in the area under investigation
TEILROD [dɛːlrõd]
all records relating to Teil-Rod in the area under investigation
1572: [Wiese] an der driefft
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/1., fol. 6'
1587: [Wiese] an der Trifft
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 169'
all records relating to Trift in the area under investigation
TRIFTWIESE [drefdvizə]
all records relating to Trift-Wiese in the area under investigation
1587: [Wiese] genandtt das Veltens rödtgenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 178/3., fol. 171
all records relating to Valentin-Rodchen in the area under investigation
WEINACKER [vaiːbɛrg]