Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen

Hessian Fieldnames

Outline map of Hessen
The situation of Eulersdorf in Hessen

Eulersdorf Gem. Grebenau, Vogelsbergkreis

163 record(s) relating to 112 field name(s)

ALTSTRAUCH [də 'ɑːl,ʃdrʊx]
all records relating to Alt-Strauch in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die Aspachs wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 72'
1576: [Wiese] die Aßpachs wieß gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Asbach-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] die baumerts wieß gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Baumerts-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] der beckers Lapp
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Becker-Lappe in the area under investigation
AUF DEM BERG [ɔm 'bɛag]
1576: [Acker] vffm berge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 72'
all records relating to Berg in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die bedte
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Bett in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] an der Bieben Leidten
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69
all records relating to Biebe-Leite in the area under investigation
1576: [Garten] am bliebener wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Biebe-Weg in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] in dem Biegell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 72'
all records relating to Biegel in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] der bogen gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Bogen in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die born wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Born-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die breidt wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
1576: [Wiese] die breidt wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: [Wiese] die breidt wieß gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Breite-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] das bru gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Bru in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] bey der bruchwießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Bruch-Wiese in the area under investigation
IM, UEBER DEM DORF [ɪm 'dorf]
all records relating to Dorf in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] in der Eichwießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Eich-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] die Eylles wieße gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Eiles-Wiese in the area under investigation
1573: Ellersdorff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 261/1., fol. 42
1573: Eylersdorff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 161/1., fol. 292'
1576: Ellerstorff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 63
1722: Ellersdorff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 261/2., fol. 79
1722: Eullersdorff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 261/2., fol. 63'
all records relating to Eulersdorf in the area under investigation
1576: [Garten] Im Ellerstorffer grundt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71'
all records relating to Eulersdorf-Grund in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] an der feincken deelln
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Finke-Delle in the area under investigation
IM FINKENFELD [ɪm 'fɪŋə,fɛld]
all records relating to Finke-Feld in the area under investigation
UNTER DER FINKENMUEHLE [ɪnər də 'fɪŋə,myːl]
1576: [Wiese] bey der fincken mohln
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Finke-Mühle in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die fordt Lappen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Furt-Lappe in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die fordt wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69'
all records relating to Furt-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Garten] an dem gaden
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Garten in the area under investigation
Geister-Grabe ['gaɪsdəʃ,grɔːvə]
all records relating to Geister-Grabe in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der giebell acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Giebel-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] der krabe
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 73
all records relating to Grabe in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der graben Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
1576: [Acker] heist der grab acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Grabe-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] am grebenawer wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 75
all records relating to Grebenau-Weg in the area under investigation
AM HAHNBALZ [ɔm 'hɑːn,balts]
1576: [Acker] der hanbaltz gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
1576: [Acker] vffm hann baltz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Hahn-Balz in the area under investigation
1576: bey dem hauß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Haus in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der hecken Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Hecke-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] die heiß bruchs wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Heiß-Bruch-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] bey dem hirdt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Hirt in the area under investigation
1576: stost vff den hirdt Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
all records relating to Hirte-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der hob Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71'
1576: [Acker] der hoffacker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: [Garten] vff dem hoff Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Hof-Acker in the area under investigation
Hof-Garten [də 'hob,gɔadə]
all records relating to Hof-Garten in the area under investigation
1576: [Baumgarten] vff der hoffreidt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Hof-Reite in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] die hudt weidt gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Hute-Weide in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] vor dem jungen holtz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Junge-Holz in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Der kleefleck gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Klee-Fleck in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] das Knebges driesch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Knecht-Driesch in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die knechts wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Knecht-Wiese in the area under investigation
IN, VOR DER KNECHTBACH [fɪə də 'grɛːçd,bax]
1576: an der knecht bach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
1576: [Acker] vff der knecht bach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
1576: liegt In der knechtbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Knechtbach in the area under investigation
AN DER KOERBACH [ən də 'kɛr,bax]
1576: [Acker] auff der korbbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
1576: [Acker] In der kirbbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: [Acker] In der koerbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
1576: stost an die koerbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
all records relating to Körbach in the area under investigation
1576: [Garten] der kopgart gnet
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Kopf-Garten in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] der krautgarth gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Kraut-Garten in the area under investigation
IM KREUZGRUND [əm 'grəts,graʊnd]
1576: [Acker] Im Creutzgrundt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 73
1576: [Wiese] Im Creutzgrundt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 73
all records relating to Kreuz-Grund in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der krom Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
1576: [Wiese] der krom Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Krumme-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Lang Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Lange-Acker in the area under investigation
LANGER TANNENWALD [,laŋə 'danə,vɑːld]
all records relating to Lange-Tanne-Wald in the area under investigation
LANGE WIESE ['laŋə ,veːsə]
all records relating to Lange-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der leum Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
all records relating to Leimen-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der leins Acker gnt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Lein-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Lews Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
all records relating to Lews-Acker in the area under investigation
Liere [di 'liːrə]
all records relating to Liere in the area under investigation
IM LIESFELD [ɪm 'liːs,fɛld]
all records relating to Lies-Feld in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] Im linges grundt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Linde in the area under investigation
AM LINGESGRUND [ɔm 'lɪŋəs,graʊnd]
1576: [Acker] das Linges grungen gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Linde-Grund in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] am Linges wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: [Acker] an dem Leynges wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: ligt vff dem Leinges weg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Linde-Weg in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] am merleßer pfadt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 74
all records relating to Merlos-Pfad in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] beim merleser wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 74
all records relating to Merlos-Weg in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der mittell Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68
1576: [Acker] der mittell Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Mittel-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der meehll Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
1576: [Acker] der mohln Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Mühl-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: liegt am mohlngraben
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Mühl-Grabe in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die mohln wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Mühl-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Garten] hinden an des mohllers Scheuren
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
all records relating to Müller-Scheune in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der pfadt acker gnath
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68
1576: [Acker] der pfadt Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71'
1576: [Acker] Der pfadt Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69
all records relating to Pfad-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Das pfadt wießgen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Pfad-Wieschen in the area under investigation
PFEIFERSECK [di 'pɪfəʃ,ɛg]
all records relating to Pfeifer-Ecke in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der quern acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Quer-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] das querte driesch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69'
1576: [Acker] die querte driescher
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68
all records relating to Quer-Driesch in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] bey Reimenrodt bey dem born
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Reimenrod in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] das Reymenroder stuck gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
all records relating to Reimenrod-Stück in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] nach dem Reymenroder wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
all records relating to Reimenrod-Weg in the area under investigation
Reimenrod-Wiese ['raɪmə,rɔːrə,viːsə]
1576: oben ... vff die Reymenroder wießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Reimenrod-Wiese in the area under investigation
IM REIMERTSGRUND [ɪm 'raɪməds,graʊnd]
all records relating to Reimert-Grund in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die Reimerts wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 72
1576: [Wiese] In der Reymerts wießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Reimert-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die Reinhardts wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65
all records relating to Reinhard-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Ruben Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
1576: der Rub Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
all records relating to Rübe-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der sandt Acker gnant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Sand-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Das Scheybell wießgen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Scheibel-Wieschen in the area under investigation
IM SCHILZGRUND [ɪm 'ʃɪlts,graʊnd]
all records relating to Schilz-Grund in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] an der schilßwießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66
1576: bey der schilßwießen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
1576: [Wiese] die schildts wiese gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
1576: [Wiese] Die Schilßwieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69'
all records relating to Schilz-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] stost ... vff den Schitzischen weg Zu
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
1576: Stoist an den schlitzer weg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69
all records relating to Schlitz-Weg in the area under investigation
Schmied-Grabe ['ʃmeːds,grɔːvə]
all records relating to Schmied-Grabe in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] heist der schodell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67
all records relating to Schodel in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] bey dem Schwertzer pfadt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68
all records relating to Schwarz-Pfad in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] Am schwartzer wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
1576: ligt Zwischen dem Schwertzer wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
all records relating to Schwarz-Weg in the area under investigation
Schwarz-Wiese [di 'ʃvɛtsə,viːsə]
all records relating to Schwarz-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] vff dem semen Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Seeme-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Singen Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Singe-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] auff der spitzen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
1576: [Acker] bey der spetz:
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 65'
1576: [Acker] die hinder Spitze gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
1576: [Acker] die Spitz gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
1576: [Acker] vor der Spitzen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Spitze in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Stein Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68
all records relating to Stein-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Stock Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64
all records relating to Stock-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Der Stock Lapp
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 68'
all records relating to Stock-Lappe in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] Die Stockes wieße
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Stock-Wiese in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Stopffell Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
all records relating to Stopfel-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der Stroits Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Straße-Acker in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] auff dem strauch
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 70'
1576: hinden wider die streuch Zu
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Strauch in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] vff dem streich
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Streich in the area under investigation
Stück [ɔm 'ʃdyg]
1576: [Acker] vfffm stuck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
1576: [Acker] vffm Stuck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69'
1576: [Wiese] nderm stuckes
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 71
all records relating to Stück in the area under investigation
1576: [Wiese] die stuckes wieße gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 72
all records relating to Stück-Wiese in the area under investigation
DIE TANNENWALDSAECKER [di 'danəvɑːlds,ɛgə]
all records relating to Tanne-Wald-Äcker in the area under investigation
1576: stoist forn an die trieff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Trift in the area under investigation
1576: stost ... vff den vdenheuser weg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 69
all records relating to Udenhausen-Weg in the area under investigation
VORM WARTHUEGEL [fɪəm 'mɔad,hyːvəl]
1576: [Acker] am wardthubell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
1576: [Acker] am wardthubell
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 67'
all records relating to Warte-Hügel in the area under investigation
WARTKOPF ['mɔad,kɔb]
all records relating to Warte-Kopf in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der weg Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'
all records relating to Weg-Acker in the area under investigation
AM WINDHAIN [ɔm 'vaɪnd,hɛː]
1576: [Acker] vff dem windthein
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 66'
all records relating to Wind-Hain in the area under investigation
1576: [Acker] der winders Acker gnat
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 157/1., fol. 64'