Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen

Hessian Fieldnames

Outline map of Hessen
The situation of Elpenrod in Hessen

Elpenrod Gem. Gemünden (Felda), Vogelsbergkreis

241 record(s) relating to 148 field name(s)

AM ADAMSACKER [oarmsaecker]
all records relating to Adam-Acker in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] inn der Almenwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 154
all records relating to Alme-Wiese in the area under investigation
HINTER DER ALTEBURG [die aalt burg]
1582: [Acker] Vff der Alten Burcken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 150
1582: [Acker] Vff der Alten burgk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
1720: [Acker] Alteburgck genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Alte-Burg in the area under investigation
IN DEN ALTEN GAERTEN [die aale goarde]
all records relating to Alte-Gärten in the area under investigation
1720: der Alt Casparshoff genennet
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Alte-Kaspar-Hof in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Jm bach seipff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Bach-Seife in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] vff den Bechen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
1582: [Wiese] vff denn bechenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
all records relating to Bäche in the area under investigation
AM BERG [om berg]
all records relating to Berg in the area under investigation
1720: der Bergehoff genennet
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Berg-Hof in the area under investigation
all records relating to Berg-Köppel in the area under investigation
AN DEN BETTEN [die bette]
1582: [Wiese] vff denn Betenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 172
all records relating to Bette in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] inn der Birckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137
all records relating to Birke in the area under investigation
IM BOETTING [de boetting]
1582: [Wiese] Jm boting
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
all records relating to Bötting in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Jm Bonig
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Bonig in the area under investigation
IM BORNACKER [de bonnaecker]
1582: [Acker] genandt der born acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136'
all records relating to Born-Acker in the area under investigation
all records relating to Brach-Seife in the area under investigation
IN DER BRUECKE [die breck]
1582: [Wiese] bey der Bruckenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 169
1720: [Wiese] die Brück genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Brücke in the area under investigation
1720: Brückerwaldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
1720: im Brücker waldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Brücke-Wald in the area under investigation
VOR DEM BUCHWALD [de buchwaald]
all records relating to Buch-Wald in the area under investigation
1720: [Wiese] noch das Dorff genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Dorf in the area under investigation
all records relating to Dorf-Wiese in the area under investigation
VOR DEM, EICHWALD [eechwaellche]
all records relating to Eich-Wald in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] bey der Eisennkautenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
1582: [Wiese] vff denn Eisennkautenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 171
all records relating to Eisen-Kaute in the area under investigation
EISEMANNSBERG [eisemeschberg]
1720: zwischen ... Eysmarsbergck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Eisen-Mann-Berg in the area under investigation
IN DER EISENBACH [die eisebach]
1582: [Wiese] inn d: Eysennbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 149'
all records relating to Eisenbach in the area under investigation
1582: Jm Eisemaßberg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
1582: [Wiese] Ann dem Eysemersberge
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 152
1582: [Wiese] genandt Im Eissenmehrsberck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
all records relating to Eisenbach-Berg in the area under investigation
1578: Elperodt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/1., fol. 13'
1582: Elperod
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 6'
1582: Elperodtt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 122'
1720: Elpenrodt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Elpenrod in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] genannt die Erlennstuck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
all records relating to Erle-Stück in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] inn der Erlennwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Erle-Wiese in the area under investigation
AN DER ASCHE [de oasch]
all records relating to Esche in the area under investigation
FELDKRUECKEN [feallkrecke]
1582: [Wiese] Jnn der Feld krüchenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
1582: [Wiese] Jnn der Feldkruchenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137'
1582: [Wiese] Vonn der Wustunge Feldkruchkenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 152
all records relating to Feldkrücken in the area under investigation
FELDKRUECKER RAIN [feallkrecker ree]
all records relating to Feldkrücken-Rain in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] im ferger
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 154'
1582: [Wiese] Jm Ferger
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 171
all records relating to Ferger in the area under investigation
FRAUENACKER [fraaenaecker]
1582: [Acker] Vffm Frauennacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
1582: [Acker] vffm frawennacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
all records relating to Frauen-Acker in the area under investigation
FRAUENSTRAUCH [fraastraach]
all records relating to Frauen-Strauch in the area under investigation
AM GAENSBERG [de gensberg]
1720: der Gäntzbergck und Feldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Gänse-Berg in the area under investigation
1720: der Gäntzbergck und Feldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Gänse-Feld in the area under investigation
DIE GARTENAECKER [gerdenaecker]
all records relating to Garten-Äcker in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Im gaßenn gartenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Gasse-Garten in the area under investigation
all records relating to Gelände in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Am gemeinenn Feldgeßrod
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 148
all records relating to Gemeine-Feldchen-Rod in the area under investigation
IM GEMISCH [s gemisch]
all records relating to Gemisch in the area under investigation
1582: zwischen dem gemunder rot
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
all records relating to Gemünden-Rod in the area under investigation
1582: vf dem gemunder Waßer
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Gemünden-Wasser in the area under investigation
AM GERLESBERG [gerlesberg]
1582: [Acker] vff gerlachsbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
1720: [Acker] Görlachsbergck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Gerlach-Berg in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Vffm girtenn Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Girten-Acker in the area under investigation
GOLDKAUTE [goldkaut]
all records relating to Gold-Kaute in the area under investigation
AM GRABENACKER [grabenaecker]
all records relating to Grabe-Acker in the area under investigation
DER GRUND [de grond]
GRUENDCHEN [grinnche]
JENSEITS DES GRUNDES [em lange streach]
1582: [Wiese] Im grund
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 126
1582: [Wiese] Jm grundt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131'
all records relating to Grund in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Am Hainbaltz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
1582: [Acker] Vffm Haynnbaltz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
1582: [Acker] zwischen ... dem haenbaltz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 130
1720: [Acker] Hahnbaltz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Hahn-Balz in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] bey der hann galln
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136'
1582: [Wiese] inn d: Haen galnn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Hahn-Galle in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Auff dem hainacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
1582: [Wiese] im Hainacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Hain-Acker in the area under investigation
IM HAINBERG [haaberg]
1582: [Acker] Am hainbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
1582: [Acker] am Haun bergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 168
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Heinberg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
1582: [Wiese] Am Hainbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
1720: Hainbergck und Feldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Hain-Berg in the area under investigation
1720: Hainbergck und Feldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Hain-Feld in the area under investigation
all records relating to Hain-Galle in the area under investigation
1720: zwischen dem Haimmerholtz
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Hain-Holz in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] zwischen dem Hainbecher Wegk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 130
1582: zwischen dem Hainnbacher wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
all records relating to Hainbach-Weg in the area under investigation
HELLGRUND [hellgrond]
1582: [Wiese] im Hellgrund
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137'
1720: [Wiese] den Höllgrund
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Halde-Grund in the area under investigation
HAM HANGELBERG [die hangelbirk]
all records relating to Hangel-Berg in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] genannt die Hanngelbirken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
all records relating to Hangel-Birke in the area under investigation
IN HANSENS GARTEN [hanse goarde]
all records relating to Hansen-Garten in the area under investigation
HEILIGENSTOCK [helgestock]
1582: [Acker] vffm Heyligennstuck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
all records relating to Heilige-Stock in the area under investigation
HEINZEBERG [heenzeberg]
1582: [Acker] Am Haintzennbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
1582: [Acker] Am Kleinen Heintzennbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134'
1582: [Acker] Am Kleinn Heintzennbergk
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
1720: Feldt und Haintzenbergck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
1720: zwischen dem Haintzenberg
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Heinze-Berg in the area under investigation
HEINZEBERGSECK [heenzebergseck]
all records relating to Heinze-Berg-Ecke in the area under investigation
HEINZECK [haseck]
all records relating to Heinze-Ecke in the area under investigation
1720: Feldt und Haintzenbergck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Heinze-Feld in the area under investigation
HIRTENWIESE [hirtewiss]
all records relating to Hirte-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] die hochstrut genandt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 152
1582: [Wiese] die hochstrutt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 139
all records relating to Hoch-Strut in the area under investigation
AUF DER HOEHE [of de hih]
all records relating to Höhe in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Vffm Hoiffacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
all records relating to Hof-Acker in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] die Hoieff Wieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
1582: [Wiese] genant die Hoiff wieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
all records relating to Hof-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] inn der hohenn struit
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 148'
all records relating to Hohe-Strut in the area under investigation
HOLZFELD [holzwiss]
all records relating to Holz-Feld in the area under investigation
HOLZWIESE [holzwiss]
1582: [Acker] bey der Holtzwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 130
1582: [Wiese] genant die Holtzwiß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
1582: [Wiese] Jnn der Holtzwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
all records relating to Holz-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Ann d: hort
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Hort in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Vffm Hortacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
all records relating to Hort-Acker in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Jm Hortgartenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Hort-Garten in the area under investigation
IN JOSTS GARTEN [jost goarde]
all records relating to Jost-Garten in the area under investigation
AM KAHLOFEN [kahlowe]
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Kaloffen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136'
1582: [Acker] Vorm Kaelloffenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
1582: [Garten] Vorm Kaeloffen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 139
1582: [Wiese] zwischen dem Kaalloffenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 171
1720: [Wald] der Kohlofen genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Kahl-Ofen in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] hinder der kirchenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
all records relating to Kirche in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] genandt die Kirleß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137
all records relating to Kirle in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Vffm Kolinsche rein
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
all records relating to Kolinsche-Rain in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] hinnder der Kuchennwiesenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Kuchen-Wiese in the area under investigation
IN DER KUSSBACH [koussbach]
1582: [Wiese] inn der Kueßbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 149'
1582: [Wiese] inn der Kußbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131'
1582: [Wiese] inn der Kußbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
1582: [Wiese] Jnn der Kußbach
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 126
all records relating to Kussbach in the area under investigation
LANGWIESE [langwiss]
all records relating to Lang-Wiese in the area under investigation
IM LANGEN STRICH [em lange streach]
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Langen strich
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
all records relating to Lange-Strich in the area under investigation
Leimen-Kaute [lehmekaut]
all records relating to Leimen-Kaute in the area under investigation
AM LOCHACKER [lochaecker]
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Lochacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136'
1582: [Acker] Vffm Lochacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134
all records relating to Loch-Acker in the area under investigation
DIE MAUERN [mauen]
all records relating to Mauer in the area under investigation
AM NEUEN WEG [naue weg]
all records relating to Neue-Weg in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] genant die Neu wiß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
all records relating to Neue-Wiese in the area under investigation
1720: Oberfeldtkröcken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Oberfeldkrücken in the area under investigation
OERTENROD [oerteroad]
all records relating to Örten-Rod in the area under investigation
IN DER OEHMER ECKE [ihmer eck]
all records relating to Ohmen-Ecke in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Am Ohmer Wege
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
all records relating to Ohmen-Weg in the area under investigation
1582: daß Ortenroder Weßerlein genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Ortenrod-Wässerlein in the area under investigation
1720: ördenrodter wieße genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Ortenrod-Wiese in the area under investigation
1720: [Gewässer] die Ördenroderbach genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Ortenrodbach in the area under investigation
1720: Pfeiffen Sack
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Pfeife-Sack in the area under investigation
AUF DER PFUETSCHE [die petsch]
all records relating to Pfütze in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Inn Ridenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
all records relating to Ried in the area under investigation
AM RIEDACKER [riereaecker]
1582: [Acker] Vffm Riedacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 130
all records relating to Ried-Acker in the area under investigation
IN DER RIEDGALLE [rieregall]
all records relating to Ried-Galle in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Ridthawen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
all records relating to Ried-Haue in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Am Riedreynn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
all records relating to Ried-Rain in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Jm Riedwald
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 131
1582: [Wiese] Jm Riedwaldt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 144
all records relating to Ried-Wald in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Jnn der Riedwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
all records relating to Ried-Wiese in the area under investigation
RIEGELWIESE [rielerwiss]
1582: [Wiese] genannt die Rigell Wieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Riegel-Wiese in the area under investigation
1720: der Ringellhoff genennet
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Ringel-Hof in the area under investigation
1720: [Wiese] Ringellwieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Ringel-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Am Rodenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
all records relating to Rode in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Jnn der Rudenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129'
all records relating to Rute in the area under investigation
IN DER SCHAFLACHE [schooflach]
all records relating to Schaf-Lache in the area under investigation
IN DER SCHEIBENWIESE [die scheiwewiss]
all records relating to Scheibe-Wiese in the area under investigation
SCHELLERSWIESE [schellerschwiss]
1582: [Acker] Ann der schiellerwisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 138'
1582: [Wiese] inn d: Schellerwissen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 154'
all records relating to Scheller-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] genant die Schloßer wieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 149'
all records relating to Schlosser-Wiese in the area under investigation
SCHLUESSELACKER [schlessilaecker]
all records relating to Schlüssel-Acker in the area under investigation
IN DER SCHLUFT [schluft]
1582: [Wiese] Jm Schluff
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137
all records relating to Schluft in the area under investigation
SCHMALWIESE [schmoalwiss]
all records relating to Schmal-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] in der schmobßwiesenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 144'
all records relating to Schmobs-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Vff dem Schußelacker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
all records relating to Schüssel-Acker in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] die Schussel wieß genandt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 137
all records relating to Schüssel-Wiese in the area under investigation
DIE SCHUHMANNSGALLE [schouhmannsgall]
all records relating to Schuhmann-Galle in the area under investigation
all records relating to Schultheißen-Wiese in the area under investigation
IM SEIF [de seif]
all records relating to Seife in the area under investigation
IN DEN SIEBEN GALLEN [die siwwe gall]
1582: [Acker] bey der sieben galln
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 132
1582: siebenn galinn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 134'
1582: [Wiese] genant inn denn Siebenn galnn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
1582: [Wiese] inn denn Sieben galnn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
all records relating to Sieben-Galle in the area under investigation
1582: [Acker] Vff den sieben stucken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 136
all records relating to Sieben-Stücke in the area under investigation
IM SEMETENROD [simetroad]
1582: [Wiese] zue Symeterodt
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
all records relating to Simmete-Rod in the area under investigation
SORGER PFAD [sorger pfoad]
all records relating to Sorg-Pfad in the area under investigation
AUF DER STIRN [die steann]
all records relating to Stirn in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] inn d: struit
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 148'
all records relating to Strut in the area under investigation
TANNWIESE [dannwiss]
all records relating to Tann-Wiese in the area under investigation
IM TANZPLATZ [daansplatz]
all records relating to Tanz-Platz in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Vff der Dohrwisen
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
1582: [Wiese] genannt die Dohr wisenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 133
1582: [Wiese] genant die Dohrwieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128'
all records relating to Tor-Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] bey der trenck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
all records relating to Tränke in the area under investigation
IN DER TRIFT [treft]
1582: ann der trifft
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
all records relating to Trift in the area under investigation
1720: Unterfeldtkröcken
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Unterfeldkrücken in the area under investigation
VELTES ACKER [veltes aecker]
all records relating to Veltes-Acker in the area under investigation
DIE WANNE [wann]
all records relating to Wanne in the area under investigation
IM WASSERACKER [em wasseraecker]
1582: [Garten] Am waßer Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
1582: [Garten] genant der Weßer Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
1582: [Wiese] genant der Weßer acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 129
1582: [Wiese] im Waßer Acker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
1720: wasßeräcker
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6
all records relating to Wasser-Acker in the area under investigation
1582: [Garten] Inn d: wenck
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 128
all records relating to Wenk in the area under investigation
IN DER GROSSWIESE [die grusswiss]
1720: [Wiese] die Großwieß
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Wiese in the area under investigation
1582: [Wiese] Jm Willerßgartenn
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135'
all records relating to Willer-Garten in the area under investigation
IN DER WUESTE [de woiste]
all records relating to Wüste in the area under investigation
ZIEGLERSGRUND [zielerschgrond]
1720: [Wiese] den Ziegellsgrund
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Ziegler-Grund in the area under investigation
1720: [Gewässer] der ziehebronnen genant
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'
all records relating to Zieh-Brunne in the area under investigation
AM ZOLLSTOCK [om zollstock]
all records relating to Zoll-Stock in the area under investigation
VOR DEM ZWILLING [de zwelling]
1582: ann dem zwilling
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 135
1582: [Wiese] Jm Zwilling
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 129/4., fol. 126
1720: der Zwilling
Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, C 2, Nr. 182/4., fol. 6'